Summary of USS Services

Currency exchanges for seafarers 7,384
Beached seafarers assisted by USS (including repatriation assistance) 2
Emergency services provided by NY headquarters 14
Hospitalized seafarers served 5
Advocacy for seafarers with consulates, local government officials, and other agencies 50
Other crisis intervention, counseling, information and referral and miscellaneous 2,948
Telecommunications, telephone calls & internet access 19,303
Letters mailed 961
Meals Served 165,000
Registration in USS centers 144,000
Ship visits 1,085
Shuttle and port-wide transportation services 5,674
Shopping assistance 2,510
Library and video exchange 2,169
Seafarers participating in athletic events, parties, tours and planned activities 5,200
Total social services provided by USS for seafarers and their families at home 356,305