The AOTOS 2023 event will be held this year on Friday evening,
1 December 2023 at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
in New York City

USS Annual Report


Calling All Seafarers! Please visit

to support a USS Capital Funding Campaign.

AMMLA Annual Report


USS Centers

The USS Centers Each one of our centers is a “home away from home” to seafarers across the globe. United Seamen’s Service meets the needs of seafarers through its six port community centers worldwide. These centers provide programs specifically tailored to create a safe haven for seafarers.

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The American Merchant Marine Library Association, the “Public Library of the High Seas.” provides seafarers on board ships with books, paperbacks and magazines of interest and educational significance. Each library is like a “care package” and typically includes a range of selections, from biography to science fiction, spy thrillers to westerns, and magazines from National Geographic to Popular Mechanic.

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Admiral of the Ocean Seas Recognized as the most prestigious award in the maritime industry, the Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Award has been presented annually by United Seamen's Service for the past forty-six years. The AOTOS Award is given in recognition of individuals and organizations who have shown outstanding support for American seafarers and the maritime industry of the United States.

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